June 20, 2008

Englishtown - Friday

Wow...what a day!!

The first qualifying run of the day was awesome...some might say perfect. Marty ran a 5.566 with a speed of 261.72, which is said to be the fifth best all-time in TAFC. We were qualified #1 until Manzo took the track and laid down a 5.532 at 263.87.

We pinched a piston so we repaired it just in time for the second qualifying run. We set the car up a little fat and ran a 6.653/258.62 and held on to the #2 spot with our final qualifying run set for 11 AM on Saturday. Manzo backed up his time with an identical 5.532.

Today was a great team effort!! For the second time this year Randy Anderson is helping my brother Jim with the set-up.

Finally, more awesome news. NY Times reporter Dave Caldwell was on-hand for most of the day, and it looks like you'll be able to read about Follow A Dream in Sunday's paper.

Good night,


1 comment:

Pat said...

go get him Jay and crew. Rootin for you