March 13, 2009

Hey Everybody-

Sitting in the back of the tow vehicle on our way to the staging lanes, getting ready to make second pass of the day. Currently sitting in 6th after one round of qualifying earlier this morning. Had some problems with the computer during first run but got that straight with the help of Les Deavenport-Thanks Les! Car looked great after the first pass and the crew is doing a terrifc job, as always. Everybody is loving this warm weather.

Have seen alot of friends from the New England today. Had a visit from Barry Carrus and his group of students from the Dunnellon High School in Dunnellon, FL this afternoon. Had some time to introduce the kids to the crew and show them the funny car. They suprised us all with Dunnellon High School T-shirts...WOW...we had fun!

Getting some great feedback from folks at the track who've checked out the blog-thanks for the input guys!

Will try and fill you all in later on results of our second pass. Have a great evening!



BC Dunnellon said...

Hi Jay and the crew;
I just wanted to let everyone know what a wonderful time all the students and staff from Dunnellon HS had with you on Friday! The kids talked about nothing else on the way home and were "knocked out" by the team and your car. Best of luck for the rest of the weekend and the season. You can count on the DHS Tigers to be sending the good vibes to all of you at the Follow a Dream Team!

Mike Bradford said...

Hey Jay, it sounds like you guys are having too much fun down there in the warm weather. Please send some up here as I am eagerly awaiting the snow to go away. Good luck and thanks for keeping in touch...Mike Bradford