April 15, 2009

National Automotive Technology Competition

Hey Everybody,

Sorry for the delay in getting a blog up, been really busy.

It's Wednesday afternoon and Eddie and I are leaving the Javitz Center in New York City where we've been at the National Automotive Technology Competition for the last couple of days. Our third year in a row! We moved into the show on Monday and I spoke at the kick off breakfast on Tuesday morning. We had the Permatex/Wynn's/Texas Roadhouse funny car on display, where Tom, Chris, Andy, & Mark from Permatex were all there to demonstrate Permatex's dedication to training and educating the technicians of tomorrow. This morning, former Nascar driver Ricky Craven and I kicked off the start of todays competition.

Had the opportunity to see some of the folks that we haven't seen since last years competition and that was great.

Heading to Stratford, CT tonight where we'll display the racecar tomorrow for Porter & Chester Institute from noon to 6pm.

Returning to the shop on Friday and will blog again soon. Have a great day!


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